Finding inspiration . . . . . .

Here . . . . .
There . . . . . .
Everywhere . . . . .
Recently I "re-purposed" one of my bedrooms and used rose floral accent pillows that were in another bedroom to give the room a fresh new garden- inspired look. I wanted to incorporate the roses in the pillows and shams into a large painting for the room. The fabric is a Ralph Lauren print and is paired with red and white check.
The fabric has red roses, blues, greens and a touch of yellow and those are the colors I want to use in my painting.

I painted a similar floral throw pillow on the white wicker chair and picked up the blues in the two vases. Now I am bringing in some yellow by adding yellow flowers in the pots. Notice I am bouncing the reds around the entire painting to bring harmony. This will look nice with the red and white check bed skirt and the red roses in the floral shams and throw pillows.
"The skies can't keep their secret! They tell it to the hills - the hills just tell the orchards - and they the daffodils"! Emily Dickinson.
Hmm - I better check out the boxes to make sure everything is in order for the painting project! I hope no one notices that I ripped the boxes open!
I just wanted to inspect the boxes to make sure there was no candy left in them!
I planned to do a "how to" post for Valentines Day and show you how to paint a vintage style Whitman's Sampler candy box heart with an adorable needlepoint basket of flowers on the box. . . well things do not always go as planned . . . .as my Studio Assistant, Bentley was a little too enthusiastic about "assisting"!
Inspector Bentley just could not resist "inspecting" the vintage style box before the art project got started!
Wishing everyone a happy and creative week and a very special Valentines Day.
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